Tag ~impact series

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In pursuit of independence Todd Stabelfeldt urges techies at GeekWire Summit: Make my life real

Food rescue: Tech donors team with nonprofits to keep thousands of meals from going to waste

Giving Tech Labs bridges nonprofits and innovation to help create technology for the public interest

From evil empire to model citizen How Microsofts good deeds work to its competitive advantage

Cyberattack detector gunshot sensor and other new inventions cement Pacific Northwest National Labs place among elite RD centers

New Decarbon8US impact fund lets anyone make a philanthropic gift to climatesaving entrepreneurs

Seattle Childrens Therapeutics leverages biotech innovation in quest for new treatments for kids

Seattle startup CEO coins authentech to capture an emerging communityfocused business model

Entrepreneurs and corporate leaders unite in support of Blackowned businesses

With a strong nudge from employees can Amazon finally become a leader on climate change

Microsoft says AI is finally ready for broader use to help solve Earths environmental woes

Seattle startup WattBuy shines a new light on electric rates by plugging into public energy data

6 tips from Seattle tech companies on how to support racial equity programs

Seattlearea maritime high school sets sail with support from tech luminaries Bezos and McCaw

How this tethered energy drone can help produce affordable clean energy with a small footprint

An intern pipeline from El Salvador brings talent and diversity to Seattle tech companies

As global disasters strain financial resources tech companies reassess their super powers

Can venture capital save the planet Tech and political leaders look to change climate for energy innovation

Opening the door to inclusion through our 2018 GeekWire Summits nonprofit Impact Partners

How data from smartphones and apps can inform us about human health on a global scale

GeekWire Bash Impact Partners 2019: Check out these incredible nonprofit partners at todays giant geek festival

WTIAs Apprenti program is turning out skilled tech workers by the dozens with no tuition costs

How connected students are wielding the internet to fight for gun control and climate protection

How an Alaskan fisherman saw potential for a sustainability startup in a mountain of crab shells

Is your company offering fair pay New nonprofit certifies those with nondiscriminatory wages

Melinda Gates shares 5 tips for banishing imposter syndrome

How a national lab stokes the startup pipeline with readytogo innovations for commercializing

Climate tech heats up in the Pacific Northwest as startups raise more than 1B since 2020

UW and Microsoft release contacttracing app aiming to battle COVID19 while preserving privacy

How a VR project documenting Seattles music history revealed the risk of a new digital divide

Immigrants Journey: 7 foreignborn tech leaders talk about the impact of changing US policies

Opening the door to inclusion through our 2018 GeekWire Summit nonprofit Impact Partners

How do you capture the oceans energy Peek under the hood of a startups antiboat power device

Ada Developers Academys new CEO looks to expand coding bootcamps impact on tech diversity

AWS launches Skills Center in Seattle boosts efforts to give free cloud training to 29M people

Creative uses of technology help conservationists save tigers wolverines and other vanishing species

Seattle tech duo strike out for Detroit hoping to spark a surge in startups in the Motor City

New interactive climate tool reveals temperature and rainfall changes in your own backyard or close to it

Geeks Give Back award winner: WTIAs Apprenti program provides path to life changing tech jobs

Climate investor Dawn Lippert on raising a 60M fund and whats stoking demand for climate tech

Seattle startup connects farms to home delivery launches new program for lowincome families

Lowincome students get tuitionfree training for tech careers thanks to Seattlearea partnership

Born from a Slalom hackathon tech experts help farming operation bring IoT into the field

One mans vision for an innovative hub serving tech workers and entrepreneurs of African descent

Washington state climate initiative with millions of dollars in support from tech leaders loses in the polls

Seattle conference draws inspiration from renowned Grace Hopper Celebration

How the Pacific Northwest is playing a key role in the burgeoning world of carbon capture tech

How vocal students are wielding the internet as a powerful weapon to fight for gun control and climate protection

As nonprofits struggle to ease the worlds woes Microsoft steps up its tech support

Can we innovate our way out of the climate crisis Venture capitalists sound off on saving the Earth